ARTS Week02



实现指数运算,pow(x, n) 计算出x的n次方。

Implement pow(x, n), which calculates x raised to the power n (x^n).


  • -100.0 < x < 100.0
  • n is a 32-bit signed integer, within the range [-2^31, 2^31 - 1]


1, 任意数的0次方为1;



4,当n < 0 时, x^n = 1 / x^-n;


  • 0的任意次方为0
  • 1的任意次方为1
  • 任意数的0次方1
  • 如果n < 0, pow(x, n).= 1/pow(x, -n)



func myPow(x float64, n int) float64 {
    if x == 0.0{
        return 0.0
    if x == 1.0{
        return 1.0
    if (n == 0){
        return 1.0
	  iter := n
  	if n < 0{
    	iter = -n
    val := x
    for i := 1; i < iter; i++{
      val *= x
    if n > 0{
        return val
        return  1/ val





由于n很大,想想算法里经常会提到的divide and conquer,我们很容易想到,可以将n分成2份

如果n是偶数pow(x, n) = pow(x, n/2) * pow(x, n/2)

如果n是奇数pow(x, n) = pow(x, n/2) * pow(x, n/2) * x

可以看到pow(x, n/2)被计算了两次,如果我们可以把计算过的结果保存下来,则可以加少计算量,减少执行时间。



n = 1, n/2为0,任意数的0次方为1.0,pow(x, 1) = pow(x, 0) * pow(x, 0) * x = 1.0 * 1.0 * x

n = 2, n/2 为1,任意数的1次方为它自己,pow(x, 2) = pow(x, 1) * pow(x, 1) = x * x

n = 3, n/2为1,pow(x, 3) = pow(x, 1) * pow(x, 1) * x= x * x * x

n = 4 .n/2为2,pow(x, 4) = pow(x, 2) * pow(x, 2)


递归的出口条件为n = 0, n = 1,其他情况均可以分解到这两种基本情况。


func myPow(x float64, n int) float64 {
    if x == 0.0{
        return 0.0
    if x == 1.0{
        return 1.0
    if (n == 0){
        return 1.0
		iter := n
  	if n < 0{
    	iter = -n
    m := make(map[int]float64)
    val := inner(x, iter, m)
    if n > 0{
        return val
        return  1/ val
func inner(x float64, n int, m map[int]float64) float64{
    if n == 0{
        return 1.0
    if n == 1{
        return x
    val, ok := m[n]
    if ok{
        return val
        if n % 2 == 0{
            val = inner(x, n/2, m) * inner(x, n/2, m)
        } else{
            val = inner(x, n/2, m) * inner(x, n/2, m) * x
        m[n] = val
        return val



3 pitfalls in golang I wish to knew


  • Closure in Go hold a reference to variable
  • := in a if scope will be new variables
  • Unlimited Gocoroutines can easily exceed memory limit in small momery machine, Use Work Pool


Why do we need ping/pong heartbeat in WebSocket when TCP has keepalive hearbeat?

TCP’s heartbeat only make sure the socket is alive, not usable

for example: TCP heartbeat make sure the pipe is unblocked, but it doesn’t care if the water plant can supply water normally.

Do I need to heatbeat to keep a TCP connection open


Meet nanoQ — high-performance brokerless Pub/Sub for streaming real-time data with Golang

The author make serveral design decisions to make nanoQ simple to implement and fast.

  • when the sub is too slow, just drop the package. There’s no need to use buffer.

  • Choose TCP over UDP for its congestion control built in and more stable performance.

  • Simple but powerful data protocol: Wire Protocol

    |<length>| payload ...

The is Varint 1–5 octets depending on the payload size.

Varints are a method of serializing integers using one or more bytes. Smaller numbers take a smaller number of bytes.

Each byte in a varint, except the last byte, has the most significant bit (msb) set — this indicates that there are further bytes to come. The lower 7 bits of each byte are used to store the two’s complement representation of the number in groups of 7 bits, least significant group first.

  • use circular buffer instead of channel as queue, to avoid high gc rate.